There's just something about fresh stalks...... When you get the call that it's time for fresh stalks it takes a crew to get the job done. I've always enjoyed this time of year, spending time with my kids, siblings and nephews. We all look to my brother Justin for guidance in making sure it all come's together. It's a litter stressful lining out the boys and girls to get the job done but he doesn't loose patience with us often, you see we're making memories here. Quality cousin time is being had, lessons are being learned and traditions are being passed down. After a long day of work on a pretty nice New Year's weekend the girls made it to fresh stalk and couldn't be happier about it. As I looked upon this beautiful sight it's not lost on me the lessons I learned from my Dad and I hope that one day many years from now, the next generation will come upon a day like this and take the time to enjoy fresh stalks.